Williams was furious and yelled, “One hour detention for everybody this afternoon!” Things were getting out of hand so Lorenzo stood up cried out, “Everybody, calm down!” He was still standing when the teacher suddenly opened the classroom door and got hit with a paper ball, smack in the middle of his face. He was tired from helping his mom with the baby the previous night and he was not looking for trouble. Lorenzo was in no mood for fooling around. In a flash, everybody in class, except Lorenzo, was rolling and throwing paper balls at each other and they were getting noisier and noisier by the moment. In a frenzy, Jade rolled a piece of paper into a ball and threw it back at them, hitting Charlie instead. When he turned around, another paper plane struck him on the forehead, as Nick and Francois burst into laughter. Suddenly, Jade felt something hitting him on the back of the head. Williams, was urgently called out to the principal's office. Everybody sighed a sigh of relief as the history teacher, Mr. It was one of those days when nobody was in the mood for sitting in class, while the summer sun was shining brightly across the schoolyard and in through the classroom window.